Are you unhappy with your teeth? Do you feel awkward to smile because of stained or chipped teeth? Do you want to improve your smile? Then come to Smiles on the Canal, where we can give you a confident smile by using dental veneers! Dental veneers are also called porcelain veneers or dental porcelain laminates. They are most commonly made out of porcelain. They are custom made wafer-thin shells of tooth-colored material to cover the front surface of your teeth. They adhere to the teeth and give them a more classically shaped look. These shells improve your appearance when they are bonded to your teeth to change their color, shape, size, or length. They are a possible solution to help you achieve the look you desire.

What is the Purpose of a Veneer?

Veneers can make your teeth look natural and healthy. They are very thin and held in place by a special, strong adhesive.

Dental veneers can handle a wide variety of cosmetic imperfections, which include:

    • Modification of misaligned or crooked, uneven or irregularly shaped teeth.
    • Filling up of gaps or uneven spacing between the teeth.
    • Improvement of teeth of different size.
    • Correction of discoloration caused by stains, excessive fluoride, root canal treatment, or the presence of resin fillings.
    • Improvement of worn-down teeth.
    • Rectification of chips or cracks in the tooth.
    • Enhancement of hard to whiten teeth.


    Dental veneers resist stains which color the teeth yellow. They can whiten, straighten, or transform your crooked teeth.

    With just a few appointments, dental veneers can give you a flawless smile.

What to Expect Before & After You Get Veneers?

Veneers are an irreversible process. If they are correctly sustained, they will last for many years to come. Before you get a veneer:

  • Your dentist will ensure that your teeth and gums are healthy. Any disease or decay is treated before the veneers are placed.
  • They are not a great choice if you have the habit of grinding your teeth as veneers are thin and may chip or break. Your dentist may suggest using a night guard while sleeping if you have the habit of clenching the jaw or grinding your teeth.
  • A thin layer of the tooth enamel is removed before placing the veneer. This process cannot be undone.
  • In some cases, veneers can become loose over time, and you might need new ones.

After you get veneers, your dentist will ask you to follow a post-procedure care which includes:

  • Veneers can chip and break under extreme pressure. You must avoid chewing on hard objects such as ice, biting nails, among others.
  • You are advised to use a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  • You must keep your teeth and gums clean with regular brushing and flossing.- Veneers are strong and sturdy enough to bite with, but if your bite does not feel right, you must visit your dentist at once as a wrong bite can damage the veneer.

Regular visits to your dentist can help you lengthen the life of your teeth. At Smiles on the Canal, we ensure that you always feel confident to smile.

Call us and book an appointment if you want a long-lasting flawless smile.

Practice Hours:

Monday → 8AM – 5PM
Tuesday → 8AM – 5PM
Wednesday → 8AM – 5PM
Thursday → 8AM – 5PM
Fri, Sat, Sun → CLOSED

(585) 223-5480

124 Fairport Village Landing
Fairport, NY 14450